Understanding the marketing automation process

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Making use of marketing automation software

In the Chatbot & AI space, we deal with a lot of vendors in marketing automation, after all, it is about integrating the best combination of tools for the best result. Marketing automation software can help when it comes to the monitoring process relating to the activities of visitors to your website. When it comes to marketing automation few things are more important than being able to know what your potential customers are doing. However, in order to accomplish this, you will need to have certain systems in place. This may require a customer action where they either fill in a form or click on a button. It may be a cookie which is stored in the customer’s Internet browser. There is also the possibility of using a tracking code which is embedded in your email links or in your website. Most marketing automation programs are very efficient when it comes to email campaigns. These programs mostly include a healthy set of dynamic lists, default automation and segmentation rules which allows for the automatic sending of emails in response to customer needs.

Qualifying those valuable leads

In most cases, marketing automation programs will include what is known as a lead score. Basically, every lead which is generated will have a score attributed to it. The score which will be used is determined by the marketer or business owner. It may be different for each different activity and naturally more important activities will receive a higher score. How this will work is that the more important leads is obviously more important than others. It indicates that an important page has been visited. This function is helpful for marketers and business owners to understand what is happening at any point in time and to act quickly on information observed. MA programs make it possible to quickly contact a visitor. There are even some of these software programs where marketers can monitor the fluctuation of leads in real time. Such software will have an alert feature which will send out an alert when anything noteworthy happens that requires attention.

Better use of time and energy

With sophisticated marketing automation software, it has now become possible to decrease the effort and the time which it might require to close a deal. Marketing automation software improves upon the old system where the closing process was slow and many techniques were malfunctioning and boring. It is now possible to refine your marketing efforts and your sales on all potential customers and especially those who have shown a clear interest in your product or your brand. The statistics can no longer be ignored. There is a long list of medium-sized and also small enterprises that are now rapidly expanding because of the use of marketing automation. For too long large companies with bloated budgets had an unfair advantage over the small guys. This is simply no longer the case because especially over the last two years there was an increasing number of small and medium businesses which have made use of marketing automation. This is good news for many small and medium businesses because finally, sophisticated marketing automation programs are now accessible to small budget companies.

(Read more about Avi Ben Ezra on MartechSeries)

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